Vital Signs
of Democracy
Which America24
How We Will Help Democrats win the 2024 Election!
Women's Healthcare
Climate Change
If You Don't Vote
Which America24
… do you want?
How We Will Help Democrats win the 2024 Election!
At Vital Signs of Democracy we conduct narrative analysis of news stories and social media posts concerning the current state of American democracy. We determine the level of present threats to our democratic majority rule based on which news narratives are achieving traction with the America public and publish our results every two weeks.
Now that the 2024 general election cycle has begun in earnest we have recently identified a troubling trend that is arising in young, black and Latino voters. These are the same voters that were a crucial part of the President Biden’s 2020 coalition.
According to our Vital Signs narrative analysis too many of them are feeling that Democrats are taking them for granted or have not kept their promises from the 2020 election. Another issue we are identifying in our narrative analysis is that young voters in particular are already feeling overwhelmed by the blitz of official Democratic party ads. Seven months out from the general election that feeling is resulting in uncertainty and confusion in these key voting blocks that could impact the 2024 election results for President Biden.
That is why Which America24 is designed to reach these key voter groups independently of official Democratic party messaging in the key battleground states. Our Which America24 video campaign which is designed to saturate social media platforms is intended to help bring these former Biden voters back into the polling booth for the President by asking them a simple non-partisan question… “Which America Do You Want?”
Our video ads will remind undecided voters in battleground states of the different consequences of voting for either party on the issues they care about. For example… Do you want an America in which climate change is dismissed as “fake news”… choose Republicans. Or do you want an America in which climate change is taken seriously… choose Democrats. The attractive feature of the Which America24 ad format is that it can be easily adapted to any issue like… the economy, gun violence, antisemitic behavior and America’s role in the World.
This Election
The 2024 election cycle is already unlike any we have ever experienced. The amount of noise and disinformation is unprecedented. The normal response in any other presidential election year is that it is too early to be concerned about this apparent ambivalence in key voting blocks for President Biden. Common wisdom maintains that most voters do not start paying attention to how they are going to vote until after the party conventions in August.
Our VSD narrative analysis is telling us something different this time. There is a rising level of distrust among young, black and Latino voters concerning the mainstream Democratic party messaging that is bombarding them at the moment.
This is particularly true when it focuses endlessly on the evils of Donald Trump. These crucial voter blocks are becoming numb to this continued Trump bashing, while remaining equally unsure of President Biden’s competency to deal with international challenges that are important to them like the Israel/Hamas conflict. Given all the noise generated in the mainstream media, there is a tendency for this audience to tune it all out. That is not a good thing for getting President Biden re-elected. The question is… what can we do?
We feel these undecided young, black and Latino voters are NOT being asked the CORRECT QUESTION… “Which America Do You Want?” One created by MAGA Republicans or Biden Democrats on the issues you care about?
The Which America24 campaign will frame that choice by saturating social media platforms with simple, short videos spelling out the differences between the parties on key issues. Our social media ads will not replace the myriad of campaigns the mainstream Democrat party are running, but rather ENHANCE their effectiveness by reminding reluctant voters of the consequences of not voting for Democrats this time or not voting at all. AND we can do this for a fraction of the cost of mainstream political media campaigns.
We believe these voters will do the right thing when the choice is laid out for them by asking them our simple question. “Which America Do You Want?” Help us get this important messaging to undecided young, black and Latino voters in the key battleground states.