Vital Signs
of Democracy
The Vital Signs of Democracy Podcast
Commentary by David Riordan and Debilyn Molineaux
on the level of threat to democracy in America based on the two
Make America Great Again narratives on the right and the left.
Presented by: The Fulcrum and Vital Signs of Democracy
Welcome to VSD Podcast
The latest episode of the Vital Signs of Democracy podcast is below.
Is Democracy Threatened in America?
It’s a question that we never thought we would be asking in our lifetimes. Yet, here we are… seemingly more polarized than any other time in our history since our civil war between the northern and southern states. Only this time… “our civil war” is between red and blue tribes competing in each news cycle to Make America Great Again based on two very different visions of the future.
Debilyn Molineaux, is the co-publisher of The Fulcrum and President and CEO of Bridge Alliance, a coalition of almost 600 organizations who are working to bring about a thriving, just and healthy democratic republic. You can learn more about our work at bridge
David Riordan is the director of Vital Signs of Democracy. Every two weeks VSD publishes a rating of the threat level to democracy in America based on our unique narrative analysis of the news.
In this podcast we look at the stories we are telling about our democracy and determine which way they are leaning. And IF we don’t like the narrative that seems to be emerging… explore how we can all contribute to changing it.
S1/EP 11 - Podcast 11 - What does it take to "do democracy?"
September 9, 2023
In this episode, Debilyn Molineaux and David Riordan interview Julia Roig, Founder and Chief Network Weaver at Horizons Project. Julia is a peace worker with thirty years of experience in democratic change and conflict transformation in war torn countries around the globe. She has a special passion for narratives, collaborative partnerships and connecting diverse groups of activists that she is now pursuing here in the United States. On a scale of 1-10, 1= autocracy and 1= democracy, she feels America is currently at a 4. Read more about Julia's organization here:
Debilyn and David C-Span Appearance - August 19, 2023
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